Okogetan (おこげたん。) is a popular TikToker with (as of writing) almost 105,000 followers on the video platform. She has now cemented her status by making her porn debut under the performer name Roze Kato (加藤ロゼ). The half-Japanese, half-Black star has an incredible H-cup bust that is exploited fully in the 174-minute release (EBOD00901) from E-Body in which Okogetan basically plays herself. It came out on digital release on March 11. We have yet to see the actual video but the preview images really show off Okogetan's amazing bakunyu breasts, especially her enlarged ...

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Every time the Olympics are held, the Olympic Village becomes infamous as a place for athletes to hook up. This year, as previously reported, such fraternizing is being discouraged and the distributed condoms are officially recommended as mementos for athletes to take home rather than use during the Games. Not so for the tens of thousands of other people coming to Tokyo as part of the entourages. And as Farrah Akase found, many of them are already in the city and actively going online on Bumble to find locals to hook up with. (Presumably Tinder and other apps are similar.) Farrah ...

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Preparations continue for the 2021 Olympic Games, despite the ongoing pandemic and public opposition, and various downsizing measures that have divorced the events almost completely from the host city. In the latest development, the athletes will have to endure many rules and restrictions on their activities at the Olympic Village during their stay. This includes regulations on fraternization and leaving their rooms. Organizers don't even want athletes eating in groups. Or sleeping together, it seems. Famously, the Olympic Village serves to facilitate a lot of sex: thousands of athletes who ...

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The podcast (and YouTube series) Abroad in Japan has uploaded a new episode that we think will interest Tokyo Kinky readers. It's called "5 ways to make a great first impression on Japanese women!" -- but also includes "five incredibly bad ones." Naturally, this is all according to a foreigner, so some may well disagree with the suggestions, but all tips are surely welcome in this dating landscape so blighted by the pandemic. We won't expound on them all here, since we reckon it's worthwhile that readers listen to the 40-minute episode themselves, but fear not, they are relatively ...

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The technical intern training program in Japan has rightfully attracted international condemnation for legalizing what often amounts to near-slavery conditions for foreign workers, especially Vietnamese. Employers -- including small manufacturers -- are allowed to pay these workers extremely low wages and it is all sanctioned by the government. The workers are trapped, unable to change jobs and frequently in debt to middle-men for the fees to get their places on the scheme and come to Japan. Over the years, many sad stories of abuse and even suicide have emerged from the "internships" ...

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A new commercial for German DIY store chain Hornbach has stirred controversy. It shows two unkempt and decidedly unhandsome white men getting all sweaty outside in the garden, watched by two scientific-looking bods. The men are then instructed to strip for the observers and hand over their apparently smelly briefs. The scene cuts to an unnamed East Asian city that looks like Hong Kong or a futuristic Tokyo. A woman approaches a vending machine and buys a package. it turns out to be one of the hairy German guys' briefs, sealed and fresh. The woman, who looks Japanese, gleefully opens the ...

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In what may be every foreign otaku's dream come true or the stuff of nightmares, Yuko Oshima has been snapped by the lens of a tabloid photographer on an intimate date with a foreigner. The lucky man is apparently an American. (Incidentally, Oshima is herself a quarter American, which may or may not be relevant.) The couple were followed while they walked arm in arm in Tokyo, with Oshima wearing a face mask as is common for celebrities. They had attended a showing of the movie Bohemian Rhapsody, which is a mega hit in Japan. The tall and bearded boyfriend was also reportedly spotted ...

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The annual "sex issue" of Anan has been published since 1989 and achieved significant impact on pop culture. This month the 2018 sex issue has come out, featuring the male singer Takahiro Nishijima (Nissy) of AAA and creating a lot of buzz as always. Nishijima poses for a series of erotic, though not actual revealing, shots with a non-Japanese model. Previous editions of the sex issue featuring famous Japanese male models have also got around the problem of how not to make female readers jealous by using foreign women. For example, there was Tori Matsuzaka in 2014 and You ...

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While this blog is ostensibly about Japanese sex, we like to write about Korean and Chinese topics, too. But we don't think we have ever talked about anything Vietnamese until now, so we hope fans of Southeast Asian ladies will be pleased. We recently spotted this Vietnamese movie, The Housemaid (2016), which features a couple of decent sex scenes. The actress is 29-year-old Kate Nhung and both scenes take place in a bed, with her riding a French man and showing off her butt and breasts. Unfortunately, one of the scenes involves violence and blood, which has a bad habit of ...

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Shannon Danielle Wong, a Canadian national, has been arrested in Japan for entering into a fake marriage for visa reasons. Tokyo Metropolitan Police arrested the 29-year-old Wong, who admits the charges, as well as her "husband" Narimichi Sasaki, a construction worker. The pair met at a cosplay event in Kabukicho while Wong was technically a student and then entered an arrangement to marry on paper in June 2016. Wong paid Sasaki an initial ¥700,000 and then was monthly payments of ¥30,000 each. The total fee for Sasaki's participation in the scam was to be ¥1 million yen. It ...

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