Getting a side job where you can watch uncensored porn sounds like a male dream come true. But hang on. Uncensored porn? Oh, right, in Japan, due to bizarre adherence to a century-old regulation created to try to make Japan similar to "moral" Christian western nations, porn has genitals blurred out. Technically, if you are selling porn in Japan that isn't pixellated, you are breaking the law. (And then it gets complicated if it's just a photo with genitals that is more "artistic" than pornographic, or if it's a mainstream film with full-frontal nudity -- all of which were also censored until ...

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The new "child porn" proposal put forward by the ruling LDP, the Komeito and Japan Restoration Party immediately stoked controversy in the manga and anime worlds, with insiders suggesting it would destroy the industries. Now there is a suggestion that under the rules of the new law, even scenes from the famed and beloved kids' anime Doraemon wouldn't be safe from the censor's scissors. Essentially it allows any depiction of under eighteen year-old people to be defined as child porn, and being caught with such filth can get you a year in jail or a hefty fine. As part of the ...

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A new ordinance has been passed by the Japanese government stating that extreme sexual acts such as rape, incest and other illegal sexual acts in anime and manga will be regulated as of April of 2011. The Japan Times reports that while the ordinance is not a law, the industry will be forced to "self-regulate" any and all sex acts seen as too extreme by the government. They will also be called upon to prevent the purchase of said material by those under the age of 18. The anime and manga community are taking this very seriously and several large manga production companies have even ...

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