We all know free hugs. But what about free oppai? A Japanese female YouTuber, Pepsi Lu, was offering lucky men in Hachiko at Shibuya Station that chance to grope her breasts in public. She kept her clothes on, but naturally this caused quite a fuss after some 60 people -- including women and foreigners (we love how the Japanese press feels the need to mention this point) -- copped a feel of her bust. Sadly the videos are no longer online (apparently deleted for breaching some rule) but, while there's been no Weinstein-esque fallout in Japan, it's nonetheless causing plenty of ...

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Japanese nunsploitation exists -- and it's out there waiting for you on YouTube. Ayami Takei is an aspiring YouTuber who had attracted viral attention with a video certain to be taken down by YouTube in the very near future. In it, Takei starts off in a nun costume and then shows off her newly shaven head (unlike certain idols, not done as a sign of penitence). Only she hasn't stopped there: she has also completely shaved her pussy and proudly displays her paipan to the camera. Her video, titled "Flesh and Blood," has already racked up tens of thousands of views, and there are other ...

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We want to introduce the work of Masaki C Matsumoto, a queer activist, feminist, and YouTuber working hard to challenge stereotypes about sexual minorities in Japan. As he (perhaps provocatively) says: "Hate crime is nonexistent in Japan," "Japan only recently started having pride marches," "homosexuality is accepted in Japan because of the traditional male-male shudo sexual/romantic culture," "Japanese media are LGBT-friendly," and "Taiga Ishikawa is the first openly gay politician in Japan" are all false! In general, Matsumoto's main point -- and it's a good one -- is that ...

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A YouTuber with far too much time on his hands has taken the next step in technological innovation. And it involves his penis. We don't know what was going through the mind of KaoringMachine when he came up with the idea for the Ochinchin Drum (literally, "penis drum"), but the results are impressive. The Electric Sexy Drum Pants is how he calls his new instrument in English, which is surely going to get wannabe musicians lining up to give it a shot. The contraception contraption sounds deceptively simple, but then that's perhaps because it is. It's basically a pair of pants with ...

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