Shortly after the allegations of Masahiro Nakai brought the career of one of TV's top stars to a screeching halt, and ruined the credibility of one of the biggest broadcasters, now come allegations against another TV comedian that he forcibly tried to take a woman to a love hotel in 2015. Takayuki Kinoshita of comedy duo TKO has admitted trying to take the woman to the hotel, though denied coercion. As a result, Nippon Television has cut his scenes from a show broadcast on Sunday. The allegations against the 53-year-old comedian were made by a YouTuber, originally on X but they were ...

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It's almost the New Year holidays here in Japan, a time when everyone gathers with their family, eats nice food, and watches a lot of bad TV. Likely to feature on one or more of those shows was former SMAP singer Masahiro Nakai, among the most famous male celebrities in the country but whose career is now in jeopardy after a scandal and serious allegations emerged this week. In a scoop broken by the tabloid Bunshun, the 52-year-old is accused of paying a massive fee of ¥90 million to a woman as compensation, after a possible sexual assault in June 2023. Nakai was in a relationship for ...

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We reported earlier this summer on the silly circus that was the Tokyo gubernatorial election, with a female candidate stripping off during her TV broadcast and another using pornographic posters that police ordered to be taken down. One of the slightly more serious candidates, at least in terms of mainstream fame, was Toshio Tamogami, who finished fourth with 3.9% and around 270,000 votes. The right-wing former Air Self-Defense Force general has stood for election several times, never winning public office but using the campaigns to maintain his profile and platform as a nationalist ...

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The casting couch is one of the biggest open secrets in the Japanese entertainment world. Abuse and sexual harassment of voice actors, fashion models, and gravure idols has recently gained a lot of attention. The general acting world is also very belatedly having a sort of MeToo moment with the exposure of male sex predators. The director Hideo Sakaki, for instance, has just been arrested for the fourth time. On the other hand, perhaps we still have some ways to go: the director of the new film adaptation of manga Sensei's Pious Lie sparked headlines when he said he rejected the lead ...

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There has been a lot of outrage recently about male hosts in Japan exploiting vulnerable women, young and old, in order to get them to pay the ridiculous fees their clubs charge. This includes forcing underage girls into prostitution. We shouldn't overlook the dark and controversial world of music idols, however, where the casting coach is commonplace (as it is in gravure modeling). Things get particularly murky in the far less lucrative world of minor and underground idols, who don't get mainstream exposure and are more vulnerable to managers and so on promising success and money. A ...

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The biggest entertainment world scandal in Japan of late has been the allegations of past sexual assault made against one of the nation's most famous comedians, Hitoshi Matsumoto. The reports first emerged in a tabloid magazine in late December and have continued to unfold. At first, Matsumoto, his agency (Yoshimoto Kogyo), and broadcasters ignored or gave the report a minimal denial, and colleagues offered on-air support, but more revelations are still trickling out in further articles, and 60-year-old Matsumoto has now withdrawn from his television commitments, nominally so he can pursue a ...

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A retiring actress has complained that the mainstream media is ignoring the open secret that is the casting couch in the entertainment industry. Though the sexual abuse that took place at Johnny's has now received the media attention it deserves after decades of silence, Misa Hayashi (林美佐) has said that there are still major issues of abuse in the industry. In an interview with Daily Shincho, Hayashi relates how she was told to sleep with people when her DVD sales were poor. This was when she was working as a gravure idol in her twenties. As we have noted in the past, the casting ...

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Regular readers might remember Ayana Kobayashi, whose stunning gravure shoot we wrote about in 2019. It was notable because she did an alluring nude shoot with her butt and nipples on display despite being married (to a comedian). She has since released a couple of DVDs. It's perhaps because she's a bit of an outsider -- someone who came to mainstream gravure a bit late and already married with a child -- that she's freer to say certain things. Now in her early thirties, Kobayashi recently made headlines with a blog entry in which she described her own experience with sexual ...

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In the age of #MeToo, the job of the intimacy coordinator in film and television has risen to prominence in the West. What about Japan? With the recent scandals over the likes of directors Sion Sono and Hideo Sakaki, documentary filmmaker Yu Kaneko, and actor Houka Kinoshita, concern over sexual predators and harassment is higher than ever (albeit much more belated than in the United States and Europe). Intimacy coordinators do exist, though are a rare species indeed. Gendai Media recently published a two-part interview with Momoko Nishiyama, one of only two professional intimacy ...

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While Japan is always keen to promote its traditional culture to the world, the truth about it is sometimes complex and not altogether positive. Geisha are one of the most iconic images associated with Japan, especially Kyoto. But in very simplistic terms, geisha were and remain not so different from modern-day hostesses in that they get paid to entertain patrons who were/are typically male, older, and wealthy. There is, of course, still a culture of geisha today in places like Kyoto. One ex-trainee geisha (known as a maiko) has caused a stir by sharing some of the more unsavory facts about ...

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