Former apprentice geisha in Kyoto speaks out about abuse
June 29, 2022
/ Tadashi Anahori
While Japan is always keen to promote its traditional culture to the world, the truth about it is sometimes complex and not altogether positive.
Geisha are one of the most iconic images associated with Japan, especially Kyoto. But in very simplistic terms, geisha were and remain not so different from modern-day hostesses in that they get paid to entertain patrons who were/are typically male, older, and wealthy.
There is, of course, still a culture of geisha today in places like Kyoto. One ex-trainee geisha (known as a maiko) has caused a stir by sharing some of the more unsavory facts about ...
Debate rages among performers over consent in porn
March 30, 2022
/ Tadashi Anahori
How consensual is porn?
The upcoming change to the age of adulthood in Japan and its implications for people signing contracts to do porn has prompted politicians to scramble to make legislation protecting teenagers from embarking upon an adult video career. (Opposition lawmaker Ayaka Shiomura, however, has faced male laughter when addressing the issue in the Diet.)
The situation has reignited the issue of consent and coercion in porn, with some arguing that women as young as 18 or 19 shouldn't be allowed to sign contracts independently due to the complex nature of the legal clauses and ...
Model Marie accuses former top comedian of propositioning her when she was young
April 12, 2021
/ Tadashi Anahori
The fashion model and celebrity Marie has stirred up the perennial issue of the casting couch in the Japanese entertainment world.
The 33-year-old, who is half French Canadian and half Japanese, has claimed that she was propositioned when she was 18 by the now-retired comedian Shinsuke Shimada. The encounter is being described as "makura eigyo" (literally, pillow business), the Japanese word for the casting couch. Shimada was then at the height of his fame and the implication no doubt was that sleeping with him would further her own career.
Marie made the allegation on April 4 and then ...
Nude model launches campaign against high heels in the workplace in Japan
June 7, 2019
/ Tadashi Anahori
#MeToo has yet to make inroads in Japan, despite a few scandals and efforts by feminist campaigners. In that respect, South Korean women are doing a better job at raising awareness of such problems as sexual abuse in the entertainment industry and secret recording of women in public toilets.
A new campaign has launched, though, which shines a light on a different aspect of Japanese women's plight: high heels. Dubbed #KuToo (a play on the Japanese word for shoes, kutsu, and pain, kutsuu), the campaign calls on employers to stop enforcing dress codes that require female workers to wear ...
German commercial for Hornbach sparks outrage by suggesting Asian women want to smell white men’s used underwear
April 4, 2019
/ Tadashi Anahori
A new commercial for German DIY store chain Hornbach has stirred controversy. It shows two unkempt and decidedly unhandsome white men getting all sweaty outside in the garden, watched by two scientific-looking bods. The men are then instructed to strip for the observers and hand over their apparently smelly briefs.
The scene cuts to an unnamed East Asian city that looks like Hong Kong or a futuristic Tokyo. A woman approaches a vending machine and buys a package. it turns out to be one of the hairy German guys' briefs, sealed and fresh. The woman, who looks Japanese, gleefully opens the ...
Ken Shimura comedy show sparks outrage for “flesh futon” sketch with scantily clad girls
January 15, 2019
/ Tadashi Anahori
Well, as we know from recent weekly magazine content ranking which college girls are easiest, MeToo in Japan has yet to arrive fully.
Now here's another example to add to the litany of shame, at least in the eyes of feminists.
The most recent episode of Ken Shimura's comedy TV show, Shimura Ken no Bakatono-sama, on Fuji TV that was broadcast on January 9th included a sketch involving a "flesh futon" (niku-futon, literally "meat futon"). Inevitably this meant scantily-clad ladies.
During the course of the sketch, Shimura was squeezed snugly between four pairs of women in bikinis and ...
Petition protests magazine article ranking Japanese college girls by easy sex
January 7, 2019
/ Tadashi Anahori
Campaigners have launched a petition on in protest at a recent article by the weekly magazine Spa! that ranked female Japanese university students by how easy they are to sleep with.
The activists say: "Japan, stop objectifying, sexualizing and disrespecting and looking down on women."
Demanding an apology and retraction of the "easy college girls ranking" article (titled "ヤレる女子大学生RANKING" in Japanese), the petition is presented in Japanese, English and Spanish.
Here is what the petition, which is led by Kazuna Yamamoto, says.
2018 was a year where ...
South Korean film director Kim Ki-duk accused of assault during rough Moebius sex scenes
December 26, 2017
/ Tadashi Anahori
The South Korean film director Kim Ki-duk has been accused of assault and attempting to coerce a actress into performing sex scenes for his movie Moebius.
The unnamed actress has accused the critically acclaimed and award-winning Kim of slapping her during preparation to perform an unscripted, violent sex scene. The allegations first came out in the summer but there were some new developments this month. Now Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office said that it has indicted Kim on a summary offense with a penalty of $4,570 (KRW5 million).
It is still not known who the actress was, ...
Profile of porn star Kurumin Aroma on fight to stop coercion in adult video industry in Japan
May 16, 2017
/ Tadashi Anahori
The Guardian has profiled the porn star Kurumin Aroma, another example of the chronic problem of coercion in the adult video industry in Japan.
Though long widely known for some time, the controversy over the coercion and exploitation of female performers has recently scandalized the industry, leading to a lot of press attention, a public apology and even arrests. Several prominent performers have come forward with stories of how they were tricked and forced into performing.
Aroma wanted to be a gravure idol and was spotted by a scout while still at college. Then when she had a ...
Japanese government wants to crack down on performer coercion in pornography
April 3, 2017
/ Tadashi Anahori
After the media controversy comes the government crackdown.
The biggest story in the adult industry last year was when the widespread coercion in the porn industry was finally exposed after several famous performers came forward, in addition to multiple arrests and prosecutions.
It led to an official apology from the industry, though can we really hope that things will really improve when the industry is so large and its needs so rampant? (After all, such coercion is also endemic for gravure idols, music idols and the general entertainment world.)
Kyodo now reports that the ...