The Japanese romance film Usotsuki Paradox (sometimes Usotsuki Paradokusu, or Liar Paradox) stars Nami Motoyama (本山なみ) and features a number of explicit nude scenes. Though the film is now almost 10 years old, we wanted to highlight some of these. They include a nude bathing scene between Motoyama's character and her lover, and then a length bed sex scene where her lover goes down on her. They are then shown having sex while she sits in his lap with her legs over his shoulders (athletic!) as well as in missionary and from behind while she lies on her front (and grabs the bed in ...

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Schoolgirls, lesbians and bondage. Put these together and you might just have box office gold. At least, that's what the producers of the film adaptation of Chotto Kawaii Iron Maiden are hoping. The low budget movie is exactly those three things. Originally a cult manga by Makoto Fukami, it stars Noriko Kijima and Yuki Mamiya as student members of an official school club that is actually a BDSM circle. Cue lots of groaning and young schoolgirls looking angsty. What starts off as an exploration of pain and submission (the students are actually "training" to become secret police and ...

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