Take a swig on these parody drink product Japanese masturbator “cans”
October 15, 2009
/ Tadashi Anahori
Fancy a drink? What do you want, beer or soda? Well, you can't drink from these delights but there's plenty of other things to do with them!
The Double Sukkiri Can and the Onaho Super Wet may both look like drink cans, but upon closer inspection you'll see the packaging is full of ironic lettering and the objects have another use entirely.
The Onoho Super Wet looks like a can of Japan's famous Asahi Super Dry beer from a distance, but houses a silicone onacup where you'd normally find a clean, malty brew. And the Onaho Super Wet even comes in a six-pack for that authentic ...
A while back we blogged about some "novelty" green tea lotion that has an uncanny resemblance to the real thing. This is what we love about sex toys in Japan: They have more than once dimension to them! Not only are these good for getting off, but you can enjoy them as ideas as well. Am I looking into it to deeply???
For a fresh, cold one after work! Instead of Asahi Super Dry beer, it's Onaho Wet, the beer-themed onahole that quenches that other thirst that men get (to stick it into something).
While usually reserved for budget-conscious college students and for those who need ...
I saw this in a sex shop in Akihabara the other day. It's Green Tea lotion which is made to look almost EXACTLY like a real bottle of green tea. You can see in the picture that they look very similar... can you tell which one is real at first glance?
Probably you CAN tell, especially with all of the sex paraphernalia in the background, but it's still pretty close. According to reviews, the lube is very much like green tea (at least in color and smell), except only the biggest hentai would actually use green tea for sex. ...