Sexless partnerships account for as much as 64% of marriages in Japan, according to one report by JEX Japan Sex Survey in 2024. The lack of intimacy can be attributed to a range of factor, especially long working hours, small homes with thin walls, and the common custom of all the family sleeping in the same room on futons. Abema Times recently interviewed some couples to find out more. The streamer spoke to people for whom sex is not an indispensable part of a marriage. In fact, one woman in her thirties who has been married for six years has never had sex with her husband. They never ...

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Every two or so months, we seem to stumble upon yet another news story about sexlessness in Japan. And with perfect timing, here's the latest, following the claim that two in three marriages in Japan are sexless that we wrote about in January. As always, these assertions are based on surveys with dubiously small samples. First published in the Japan Times, this latest story states that nearly half of married couples don't have sex. (And if you're now feeling déjà vu, you're not alone: an almost identical article appeared in 2017.) The first question mark about this is the definition of ...

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Another month, another damning survey that says Japanese couples are sexless. The latest, conducted with 4,000 married people, concludes that two in three marriages in Japan are sexless. The survey asked people in their twenties, thirties, forties, and fifties (500 men and women from each age group). The results show that 68.2% engage in little or no sexual intercourse: 43.9% of respondents said they had fully "sexless" marriages, while 24.3% were "nearly sexless." Of course, like with all surveys, there are issues here, not least how they define "sexless" (zero sexual contact, ...

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Why are loveless marriages so common in Japan? That's the question that prolific bilingual YouTuber Nobita sets out to answer in a recent video. Note that he's not talking about sexless marriages per se. Obviously that's a factor here but his subject is marriages where love has faded, or even gone completely. That said, as he states at the start, the divorce rate in Japan is comparatively low, potentially meaning that many people are choosing to remain in a marriage with a partner they no longer love. He focuses in the first part of the video on the case of a friend called Yuka, who has ...

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