Sagami doesn't just make incredibly thin and accomplished condoms, it also conducts research on adult tastes and sexual customs in Japan. In fact, along with Tenga, Japan's contraception manufacturers are the most reliable sources for information and data. And these can sometimes turn up surprising, even shocking, results. One recent survey conducted with 14,100 people in October and November last year across Japan's 47 prefectures nationwide found that 15.2% of women were cheating on their partner or sleeping with at least one more person. Needless to say, the result for men was higher -- ...

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The state of Japanese breasts is something we here at Tokyo Kinky are frequently thinking about, whether it's scouring the latest data or observing with our roaming eye whatever we see on the streets of this fine city. A "bust map" survey by female-friendly adult brand Love Cosme of 33,813 women from prefectures across Japan has confirmed, once again and yet again, that busts are indeed getting larger. Here is what the map of average cup sizes in Japan looks like. We spotted some evaluation of the survey over on clickbait-courters Sora News 24, though their explanation of the ...

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Oh, dear, another silly headline to start our day. Please indulge us once again... This time it's a survey by the Japanese Association for Sex Education, using 2017 data collected from Japanese college and university students that has been (no doubt selectively) parsed to produce a clickbaity sensational find. We first stumbled upon this in English on SoraNews24, though the original source is the Japanese news. Yes, most colleges kids are still virgins. Well, college starts at 18 (same age as the lovely Nana Asakawa, pictured above), so is it a particular shock? Let's take a ...

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It's often regarded as axiomatic that adultery is common in Japan. Men have sex at their fingertips. Just take a trip to one of the countless "fuzoku" sex services available or go on a "compensated date." The ladies are catching up, though, if you believe that is the reason for the growth of Ashley Madison in Japan. One Japanese survey, at least, suggests that adultery is really not as gender-biased as you might think. In fact, slightly more women admitted to cheating on their partner in the past. The survey was conducted, somewhat bizarrely, by a hair-removal salon with coupes aged ...

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All those hundreds of thousands of office ladies slaving away in Japan's corporations are not as bored or subservient as you might think. An online survey by konkatsu "marriage-hunting" web portal Aikatsu asked 1,162 women if they had had sex with someone from their workplaces. More than three in four women admitted to having slept with a coworker. Given the amount of time that many Japanese people spend at their companies as well as the relatively high number of social events that take place among colleagues, especially nighttime drinking, it is not surprising that many relationships ...

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We know that adultery is quite common in Japan, especially among men -- and that's probably before you even start thinking about the various sex services out there for the guys to try if things get stale. But women are not holding back anymore. The rapid growth of services like Ashley Madison and the popularity of TV dramas like Hirugao with Aya Ueto suggest that women are also keen to dip their toe into the big ocean of extramarital affairs. Several high-profile cases have exposed this. For every Ken Watanabe there's a Yuki Saito and Aoi Miyazaki. Even Becky, though not married herself, ...

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Following our post on what age Japanese women have their first kiss, we found a related survey that tries to find out if Japanese women kiss guys on the first date or if they wait it out. The results of the survey, which had 6,510 responses, suggest that Japanese man and women are slightly modest but that a very healthy number (27%) are willing to smooch on the first date. Here's the breakdown. 1. On the third date (2,127 people) 2. On the first date (1,753 people) 3. On the second date (1,146 people) 4. On or after the fifth date (910 people) 5. Upon marriage (184 ...

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A survey set out to discover at what age Japanese women have their first kiss. The results, taken from 2,350 women polled online, show disparity between different ages and prefectures. The oldest average ages were in Nara and Aichi, where women were 19.1 years old when they had their debut smooches. This was closely followed by Ishikawa with 18.7 years old. Aichi is the strange one here, since it is the prefecture with Nagoya, Japan's fourth largest city (after Tokyo, Yokohama, and Kyoto). The youngest age for women to start kissing was in Tokyo, where women experienced their first ...

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A survey by Himawari Life Insurance, ostensibly related to its breast cancer awareness efforts, asked 1,000 Japanese women (250 each in their twenties, thirties, forties, and fifties) about their breasts. Asked to rate their own breasts on a scale of 1 to 100, the average was 46.1, which we find rather disappointing. Even more unequivocal, however, was the response to the most important question in the survey: Do you like your breasts? I like them: 4.8% I kinda like them: 16.3% I don't like them very much: 25.5% I don't like them at all: 19% I neither like nor dislike ...

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We stumbled upon a report of yet another survey that basically claims that many young Japanese no longer want romance in their lives. One in four young Japanese people apparently claim that "love is a pain in the butt". Japanese matchmaking service Partner Agent recently polled a total of 1,960 men and women between the ages and 20 and 29 or 40 and 49. Among the questions asked were "Do you want to have a romantic relationship, or do you think that romance is an inconvenient pain?" Among the 20-29 demographic, 24.5 percent were of the latter opinion. Almost half of the young ...

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