Chotto Kawaii Iron Maiden: A rather cute tale of Japanese schoolgirl bondage
May 27, 2014
/ Tadashi Anahori
Schoolgirls, lesbians and bondage. Put these together and you might just have box office gold.
At least, that's what the producers of the film adaptation of Chotto Kawaii Iron Maiden are hoping.
The low budget movie is exactly those three things. Originally a cult manga by Makoto Fukami, it stars Noriko Kijima and Yuki Mamiya as student members of an official school club that is actually a BDSM circle.
Cue lots of groaning and young schoolgirls looking angsty.
What starts off as an exploration of pain and submission (the students are actually "training" to become secret police and ...
Feast your eyes on Yuki Mogami (ζδΈγγ), aka Yuki Mamiya.
Born in March 1991, the Nagoya-bred lady blends a perfect mixture of "Japanese beauty" with the genuinely sexy.
It's rare for an idol like this to succeed, not succumbing to the whole "cute" fetish nor just surrendering to total sluttiness.
She looks just a girl you might see on the train any day. And yet she is utterly, heart-renderingly hot.
She has recently also done that odd idol thing of "re-launching" her "brand" by changing her name from Yuki Mogami to Yuki Mamiya ...