Yuki Masuda nude scenes in Chijin no Ai Reversed (Naomi: Reversed)

We recently introduced the great nude sex scenes that gravure idol Sena Natsuki does in last year’s film Chijin no Ai.

Translated as A Fool’s Love or Naomi, the Tanizaki novel is a modern classic that has been adapted several times before.

Indeed, there was another version in 2024. Chijin no Ai Reversed (Naomi: Reversed) is, as the title suggests, a reinterpretation of the novel that reverses the main roles: now it’s a woman who takes up with a younger, extravagant man, who comes to dominate her in the relationship. (In the original and most adaptations, Naomi is the younger and wanton female character who exerts a powerful hold over the male protagonist.)

The title role is played by Yuki Masuda, an old favorite of this blog.

Not surprisingly, the film contains several sex scenes and a fair bit of nudity.

In one scene, Masuda straddles her lover on the floor (it can hardly have been comfortable for her knees, we imagine), breathing heavily as she moves up and down. Her breasts are so beautifully shaped.

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In another, more conventional scene, she rides her lover on the bed with her stunning breasts exposed, and is clearly loving the sensation of his penis penetrating her.

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There is another (non-nude) scene in which she masturbates.

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There is also another nude scene showing Masuda showering and another sex scene in which they make love on the floor.

Masuda, who was also known professionally as Yuki Mogami and Yuki Mamiya, has appeared in a lot of movies, including many erotic and pink films (softcore porn). Given her pedigree in sexploitation, it’s no surprise that she has previously done many nude scenes before, including in such films as The Key – Professor’s Pleasure (also based on a Tanizaki source material), The Crawler in the Attic, Sweet Whip, Chotto Kawaii Iron Maiden (aka The Torture Club), and Wet Woman in the Wind.

Now aged 33, Masuda/Mamiya/Mogami is not becoming more cautious about taking erotic roles as she gets older, even as she acquires more professional monikers.

Chijin no Ai Reversed seems to part of a pair of such “reversed” reinterpretations of old classics. Manji Reverse, also from last year, offered a gay male twist on Tanizaki’s Manji (Quicksand) (and featured a nice sex scene with Erina Nakazaki). (A more conventional version of the lesbian tale came out in 2023, starring Manami Shindo and Noriko Kohara.)

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