Sayonara to the Japanese female police officer skirt
Japanese female police officers will no longer wear a skirt as part of their uniform.
The National Police Agency said last week that skirts will not be offered for female officers after March, making their official uniform trousers the same as it is for men.
In practice, many Japanese female police officers were already wearing pants for frontline duties, but skirts had remained an option and certainly part of the image of female police in the eyes of many.
Skirted police officers were part of the traditional image of the NPA in Japan, especially in parades and so on. The skirt had been an optional part of the uniform since standardized nationwide uniform code were introduced 1976, back in an era when female officers mostly worked at stations.
However, the practical limitations of skirts on carrying out duties on-site had led fewer and fewer female officers to opt to wear one, and many police departments had ceased to offer skirts as part of their uniforms.
This national dress code change, then, is effectively bringing the rules in line with the realities, though it does spell an end to certain Showa-era fantasies about cute female officers showing off their legs, and those promotional events where actresses and models dress up as police officers for public awareness campaigns will also surely look very different from now.
Female police officer cosplay costumes may have to change in the future to be line with the actual uniform worn by women in Japan.
Woke western inFLUence strikes again.
Shit, the UN and its 2030 agenda again.
Police skirts are only worn at commemorative events to draw citizens’ attention to comply with the campaign, such as: “Drive slowly in specific areas.”
Skirts are optional for police office work.
Anon: I agree with you. The UN is harming Japan with its “woke” ideologies.